"Cantiamo in Tuscany" Italy 2024 - CELEBRATE LIFE !

A Special Tour  to remember...

 Cantiamo in Tuscany SEPT 10th - 22nd 2024 
 CANTIAMO Tuscany  We take a small group (12)  of travellers lead by experienced guides  (Valdo Michelangeli and Kavisha )who tell you great stories, sing songs ,

You will also learn qi gong meditation and do health exercises  ,eat  delicious home cooked Slow Food by our resident cooks Vanna and Francesca (like your nonnas and Zias!)  ,see magnificent art-  new and old and hear gorgeous opera and sing in the smallest Opera HOuse in the world .

WE have  fun making a  pop up choir in Tuscany wth Kavisha and your new friends !  .Venga ! please join us ! .

Please Contact Valdo Michelangeli email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


"I want you to know that you made my time in Italy pure joy.  Thankyou all for the pleasure of your company, and Kavisha and Valdo

for creating such an experience." Gloria B


"Cantiamo  was a complete delight! The combination of Kavisha musical direction and Valdo's gastronomic and cultural guidance was unbeatable. "Luisa H


"I was part of the 2017 cantiamo group. Best holiday with a purpose I’ve ever had, & I’ve travelled quite a bit! I enjoyed the friendly company, the quality of singing that was elicited by a genius choir mistress (thanks Kavisha), wonderful tour organiser & foodie (thanks Valdo) & a fabulously artistic & wonderful country. Happy to give rave reviews at every opportunity!" Angela B


Cantiamo in Tuscany  TOUR 2022sm_corsanosinging_copy.jpg

"Artists in each of the arts seek after and care for nothing but love." Marsilio Ficino 1433-99 Italia.

13 days - 12 nights singing, eating, good food, philosophy, drinking nice wine, tasting slow food and Qi Gong and walking meditation in Tuscany  in the marvellous italian springtime . For the first 5 days we will stay in the beautiful frescoed historical Palazzo Tucci in the walled city of Lucca. We will go to a concert at the Puccini Opera Festival. we will be staying in the historical centre and there we will be taking day tours lead by fantastic tour guides seeing art and ancient churches .

Then we travel south  by bus to stay in a rambling family home for a week in Villa Corsano  in the Sienese countryside . We will be cooked for by with our own chefs Vanna and Francesca who spoil us like Aunties and Nonnas . Activities include singing daily and Qi Gong ( chinese energy exercises and gentle stretching .A visit to the  Palio medieval Horse race Museum , and if we're lucky we will get to see the medieval flag throwers and procession of the Contradas (neighbourhood teams  )as they proudly parade in their costumes playing their drums through the Siena City as they wait to see which horses have been chosen for the Palio.


We visit Castello di Ama which is an exclusive winery with a world class contemporary art gallery with guide,

We visit to the largest collection of roses in the world Carla Fineschi Rose gardens ,

We go to Iris Orrigo's rural property La Foce which is one of the top 10 gardens in the world,

we visit the ancient medieval town San Gimigniano,

Sing chants at San Antimo Romanesque Abbey and we visit Monte Olivieto Maggiore  for vespers and listening to gregorian chanting ,

We visit the smallest opera theatre in the world in Vetriana and perform on its stage.(we are the only Australian Choir to do this!)

We have a  degustation lunch with Slow Food Tuscany's president Andrea. 

And through it we become a 12 day choir performing in a pop up performance flash mob in Montalcino and other places as the moment arises !

This is a fully accompanied tour lead by foodie Valdo Michelangeli and singer Kavisha as your guides.

This is a tour that celebrates Life!

..You get yourself to Lucca.Italy ....We will meet at Palazzo Tucci , then we travel around Tuscany together

 Vi Aspettiamo ! 

We are awaiting you ! 

CONTACT ; Kavisha Mazzella  0412893355 / Valdo Michelangeli 0419100678

The aim of this tour is to offer a taste of some of the best things Tuscany has to offer together with a unique singing experience.

The result is a tour offering wonderful Tuscan food and wine guided by Valdo Michelangeli  with history and culture,

amazing scenery with our own guides and Kavisha Mazzella as choir leader and tour troubadour.

Where does the tour go?

The tour traverses the Tuscan region, starting in Lucca and destinations include Barga, Montalcino, Siena, San Gimignano,

Bagno Vignoni, San Quirico d’Orcia, Pienza and Gaiole in Chianti.

What makes this tour unique?

This tour is distinguished by the flexibility and intimacy offered by a small touring group

and the unique opportunity to expand your choral talents under the musicianship of Kavisha Mazzella.

Each day there will be a period given over to group singing (approximately 1.5 hours) 

with the remainder of day given over to the pleasures of discovery.

The fact that the tour group is small (max 12 members), permits increased flexibility to allow the touring to adjust to the group’s wishes.

Please note ;If for some reason you need to withdraw REFUNDS are only possible when you replace yourself with another person 

Fee $6,000 twin share 

What is included?
✓ An English/Italian-speaking private tour leader (Valdo Michelangeli) for the group.
✓ An experienced singing teacher in Kavisha who will also lead Qi Gung meditations in the morning
✓ A maximum number of 12 members in each tour group.
✓ All accommodation in quality bed & breakfasts.(Palazzo Tucci and  Villa Corsanno)
✓ All transportation in an air-conditioned minibus.
✓ All breakfasts.
✓ 11 main meals with local wines.
✓ Professionally guided tours of Lucca, Siena and the Abbadia di M.Olivetto Maggiore
✓ Transfers back to the railway station at  Florence which has connections to the airport or south to Rome, at the end of the tour.
✓ A guarantee of lots of fun!!!

What is not included?
✗ Airfare
✗ Travel insurance
✗ Personal expenses

Bookings are closed now .

CONTACT ; Kavisha Mazzella  0412 893 355 / Valdo Michelangeli 0419 100 678